

Logging into Facebook from system settings fails without error: Check your RaveSettings.Facebook.ReadPermissions setting. If you’ve overriden this and the permissions specified are incorrectly formatted or mispelled the Facebook SDK will fail without error!

Logging into Facebook from Safari returns cancelled error when user authorizes app: Make sure your application delegate calls [+RaveSocial handleURL:…]

Using the CAL tool#

The Rave iOS CAL (Cross App Login) Utility provides a way to view and clear data that the SDK uses to log a user in to multiple game installations on the device. There are multiple versions of data supported which allows for CAL between newer and older integrations of Rave. A single button allows for all versions of data to be totally cleared. Clearing the CAL data does not affect the local app data for any installed apps and any Rave-enabled app may re-create data once used again. Clearing CAL data is intended for use in a testing environment only, though it will also work with production data.

iOS CAL Utility screenshot

iOS CAL Utility screenshot

  • Note * Like CAL in general, you only have full functionality from this tool if it has been resigned with an identity from the same team that your app uses in Xcode.